Disability Disclosure

Post Secondary Institutions are required to provide students with appropriate academic accommodations, auxiliary aids and services that are necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal access and opportunity to participate in the school's facilities, programs, and activities. At the postsecondary level, it is the student's responsibility to disclose his/her diagnosed condition, to request reasonable accommodations and to follow established procedures for requesting those accommodations.
Students with diagnosed conditions that may rise to the level of a disability who will be requesting accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services are encouraged to identify these needs to the Oxford Academy of Hair Design's Administration, as soon as possible, after their application has been accepted and their decision to attend has been confirmed. Submission of current, detailed documentation of the student’s diagnosed condition, along with the completed Disability Disclosure Intake Form is required in order to initiate the disability determination process. Please consult the Disability Determination Process Checklist for a comprehensive overview of the required steps in the process.
After an interview with the student, the school administrator will review submitted documentation, including medical and/or educational evaluations, IEPs, “504” Plans, and supplemental materials along with the completed Disability Disclosure Intake Document.
The student should print a copy of the Disability Determination Process Checklist (below) and the Disability Disclosure Intake form (below) and include the completed forms with the submission of documentation.
Many students have disabilities that are not easily noticed. This situation can lead to misunderstandings. Sometimes, students with invisible disabilities are perceived as lacking in intelligence, or as not paying attention.
Invisible disabilities may include:
Asperger syndrome;
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, or ADHD;
brain injury;
learning disabilities;
psychiatric conditions;
seizure disorders; and
Tourette syndrome.
Invisible disabilities may affect the way a student processes, retains, and communicates information. A student may not be able to screen out distractions, making it hard to focus; may not have the stamina for a full class load; or may not be able to interact well with others. Anxiety may make it difficult to take tests or to approach Instructors with questions. All people experience their disabilities uniquely. Students who have the same medical diagnosis for their condition may have different abilities and disabilities and different accommodation needs. It is important to work with each individual to figure out what's best in a specific situation.
Instructors may have safety concerns about students with particular disabilities, such as seizure disorders. It is important, however, for an instructor to know what to do in the event of a seizure. And if the student discloses and says, 'I have a seizure disorder,' then it's very easy for the school administrator to talk with him and say, 'What would you like for your instructors to know?'"
Students with invisible disabilities may or may not need accommodations in the classroom. If they do, it's the students' responsibility to self-disclose, provide documentation of the disabilities, and request accommodations. However, they may choose not to let anyone know about the disability and just try to "make it on their own." This approach can be stressful for both the student and the Instructors.
Students with disabilities should notify the school administrator before they start classes. The School Administrator will require documentation of the disabilities, determine appropriate accommodations, and give the students letters authorizing those accommodations. The school will make a determination of what types of accommodation will be reasonable and what will be appropriate. Not all accommodations are reasonable and not all accommodations are appropriate."
An accommodation is not appropriate if it would
make a substantial change in an essential element of the curriculum,
alter course objectives,
impose an undue financial or administrative burden to the institution, or
pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
If an accommodation request seems unreasonable, a compromise could be discussed between the Instructor, the student, and the school administrator. Students with disabilities have the right to confidentiality. If a student appears to be struggling in class, but hasn't requested accommodations, the Instructor is not advised to ask if a disability is involved. But there are acceptable ways to offer assistance. The instructor could suggest tutoring or early online testing.
A student may request accommodations for the classroom, assignments, and exams. Some commonly-requested classroom accommodations include
seating near the door to allow taking breaks;
alternative note taking: tape recorder, note taker, or a copy of instructor's notes; and
early availability of syllabus and textbooks.
Assignment accommodations include
advance notice,
additional time for completion
choice of written or oral presentation,
Accommodations for exams include
alternate format: multiple choice, essay, oral, presentation, role-play, or portfolio;
use of adaptive computer software such as speech recognition;
extended time for test-taking;
taking tests in a separate, non-distracting room; and
a scribe, reader, or word processor for exams.
In some cases, accommodations may extend beyond the classroom. The student will need to do clinical work. An individual discussion of options may be necessary.